Zero Gravity

Apollo 11 and the new notion of space

20 July 2019 – 1 February 2020

Zero Gravity - Rauminstallation

Rauminstallation von Peter Kogler, Ohne Titel, 2019 , Digitaldruck auf Spiegelfolie, © Peter Kogler, Foto: Thomas Dashuber


50 years ago, on the night of the 20th of July, 1969, a human being set foot on the moon for the first time. Neil Armstrong’s legendary exclamation, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind,” and the images of astronauts hopping lightly across the lunar surface in their spacesuits unleashed a unique euphoria around the world.

The success of the moon landing created optimism about the future that was reflected in surprisingly varied aspects of life. The innovative technologies used to conquer space formed a “space” aesthetic that defined the zeitgeist internationally, from the fine arts to architecture, music, film, design, to fashion and children’s toys. The advances into unknown dimensions through space travel expanded the previously accepted dimensions and possibilities of space. Terms and concepts regarding outer and inner space were redefined. The first images from space in particular sharpened our consciousness for the finiteness and fragility of the earth.

The ZERO GRAVITY exhibition revolves around these new dynamic concepts regarding space and how these advances affected the arts and sciences ever since. The exhibition will show artistic approaches in the context of a heterotopic spatial installation developed especially for it by media artist Peter Kogler. A mirrored environment allows viewers to immerse themselves in a virtual cosmos that seamlessly combines works of art dealing with space from the 1960s by Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg and Sol LeWitt along with current work by Gregor Hildebrandt, Hans Schabus and Sonia Leimer.

In addition to art, historical exhibits relating to space travel, visionary architectural design, and icons of pop culture are presented. A comprehensive accompanying science program including lectures on current space research is an equal part of the exhibition project. Because … the moon is suddenly on everyone’s mind again!


Ant Farm, Galina Balaschowa, Thomas Bayrle, Martha Boto, Lygia Clark, Attila Csörgő, Siegfried Ebeling, Stano Filko, Dan Flavin, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Gregor Hildebrandt, Anna Jermolaewa, Lukas Kindermann, Peter Kogler, Annie Leibovitz, Sonia Leimer, Sol LeWitt, Otto Muehl, Nam June Paik, Walter Pichler, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Sigmar Polke, Wolf D. Prix / COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, Robert Rauschenberg, Fred Sandback, Hans Schabus, Richard Serra, Mark Wallinger, Andy Warhol, Lawrence Weiner

Annie Leibovitz - Eileen Collins

Annie Leibovitz, Eileen Collins, Johnson Space Center, Houston, 1999, © Annie Leibovitz, Foto: ERES Stiftung / Dominik Gigler

Robert Rauschenberg - Tilt

Robert Rauschenberg, Tilt, Stoned Moon Series, 1969, © Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles / Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Foto: ERES Stiftung / Dominik Gigler

Gregor Hildebrandt - Das Glockenklöppel

Gregor Hildebrandt, Das Glockenklöppel, 2017, © Gregor Hildebrandt, Foto: ERES Stiftung / Dominik Gigler

Apollo 11 Historical Artefacts

Neil Armstrongs Raumanzug
Buzz Aldrins Checkliste
NASA Archivfotos

Scientific Program


US-Astronautin Stefanyshyn-Piper zu Gast in der Münchner ERES Stiftung
© TV Bayern Live, Patrick von Frankenberg, 9. November 2019

(Video: 52.08 MB)


Accompanying the exhibition is a catalogue (german/english), EUR 10,00
Order via Catalogues



Hans Schabus - Astronaut

Hans Schabus, Astronaut (Komme gleich), 2003/2019, © Hans Schabus, Foto: ERES Stiftung / Thomas Dashuber